Imagem de leitura — Bernard van Orley

24 05 2016



Bernard_van_Orley_-_Joris_van_Zelle_-_WGA16695Joris van Zelle, 1519

Bernard van Orley (antes de 1491- 1541)

óleo sobre painel de carvalho, 39 x 32 cm

Museus Reais de Belas Artes da Bélgica



2 responses

24 05 2016
Luís Henriques

Fantastic painting! Especially the book details.

24 05 2016

Agreed! It is also a printed book. The painting is therefore a testimony to the wealth of the sitter. I have no idea who Joris van Zelle was. But the name rings a bell in the wine industry… however I don’t think the two are related. At any rate, in the 16th c. sitters were usually wealthy and used all sorts of props to demonstrate their status in life and, if important, their profession.

Thank you for you visit.

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